News & History
Our concept and services have changed – but our history has not.
Get inspired at Medico Bazar Tuesday 8 March at DTU
Meet us at Medico Bazar Tuesday 8 March at DTU Medico Bazar 2016 will give you a glimpse of the newest developments within medtech. Medico Bazar 2016 is arranged by MedTech Innovation presenting...
Meet us at MEDICA 2015
MEDICA is the world‘s largest Life Science and MedTech marketplace and meeting place for people working within the medical industry. This year Medicologic is part of the shared Danish stand in Hall...
Senior Regulatory Consultant with Team Leader Potential
[divider] Would you like to be part of a team ensuring the highest levels of patient safety by contributing to the development and approval of intelligent and innovative treatment methods within the...
Rasmus Funk has joined our R&D team
With a view to the company's continued development and positive growth within Research and development, we expanded our R&D team with Rasmus Funk. Rasmus has more than 5 years of experience with...
Fast track for Fertility Test for Men
PRESS RELEASE: MotilityCount and the consultancy company Medicologic have obtained CE approval for SwimCount in just three quarters of a year. This was accomplished through a smooth cooperation...
Never before – but I will do it again
It takes heart – and a good pair of legs – to ride to Paris on a bike in only 7 days. Medicologic easily agreed to sponsor Stig Jørgensen, CEO of Medicon Valley Alliance, when he joined Team Rynkeby...
More manpower to our QA/RA team
With a view to the company's continued development and positive growth within Regulatory Affairs, we expanded our QA/RA team with Pernille Holm beginning March. Pernille Holm started as QA/RA...
Outsourcing – a Smooth Operation
Outsourcing is often a cost efficient solution. QMS is no exception. When Otovation decided to outsource their quality management for their entire line of equipment for hearing aids, they chose...
Invitation til reception
I anledning af Frank Petersens 65 års fødselsdag vil vi gerne invitere til en uformel reception hos Medicologic: Torsdag den 26.03.15, kl. 15.00 - 17.00 Arne Jacobsens Allé 15-17, 2300 København S...
Erfaren ingeniør til udvikling af fremtidens medicinske udstyr
[divider]Medicologic er en virksomhed i sund vækst, og vi glæder os til at byde endnu en kollega velkommen i vores R&D team. Du er en erfaren og kreativ ingeniør, der med overblik og entusiasme...
Get inspired at Medico Bazar 2015
Meet us at Medico Bazar Tuesday 10 March at DTU Medico Bazar 2015 will give you a glimpse of the newest developments within medtech. Medico Bazar 2015 is arranged by MedTech Innovation presenting...
Join our team of skilled and passionate product developers
We are facing increasing demand from our clients, and thus seeking Mechanical Engineers with expertise within mechanical design. With a strong pipeline of challenging projects we are able to offer...
We are strengthening our business
By the end of 2014, Medicologic has strengthened the organisation within QA/RA and Medical Device Development with a view to the company's continued development and positive growth. Frank Petersen...
Life Science konference 2014 med succes
Torsdag d. 6. november inviterede vi offentlige og private aktører til Life Science konference, hvor deltagerne fik nye perspektiver på udviklingen inden for Life Science og medicobranchen. Få et...
Invitation til Life Science konference
Få nye perspektiver på udviklingen inden for Life Science og medicobranchen, når Medicologic inviterer offentlige og private aktører til Life Science konference. Please note that the conference will...
We are moving to new offices in Ørestaden
1st of October 2014, we'll be moving to our new modern office space in Ørestaden with plenty of room for both development and growth. We have in recent years experienced a significant increase in...
Continuous training is keeping us a step ahead
Medicologic is an innovative company believing that expertise builds confidence with the customers. In order to develop our expertise and add value to the projects we manage, we believe that...
We’re looking for a RA & QA Senior Consultant
[divider] About the job We bring new products to market, applying global legislation, ensuring quality, cost reduction, and timeline requirements. We are growing and thus need additional resources....
Welcome to Juan Jensen
We are happy to announce that Juan R. Jensen is appointed Business Development assistant. In 2013 Juan graduated as Master in International Business and Marketing from Copenhagen Business School,...
Deriving value from data for business development
Logging of data is crucial in today’s business environment for optimization and development of your business. But at the same time data logging presents many companies with the daunting task of...
Hvordan kan et medicospecifikt konsulenthus hjælpe din forretning?
Medicoindustrien har i samarbejde med Medicoindustriens ekspertgruppe for konsulenter, bl.a. Medicologic, udarbejdet en folder, der giver dig et nemt overblik over konsulentvirksomheder og...
Know-how, skills and mindset
At Medicologic we know all about the challenges of finding talent and the right skill-sets for the tasks.
Medicologic was founded in 2009 by the present CEO Michael Funder, and through more than 20 years we have strived to find the greatest talent and the most skilled specialists for the medical device industry.
Our goal is to create the best scenarios for our clients, and combine our talent and specialists with the goals and budgets at hand.
We strive for customer-service excellence – and a part of this is providing a service, that gives our clients full flexibility to pull on our various ressources on any given time.
The expectations in the medical device market are high with increasing focus on patient safety and treatment methods.
Our team of dedicated freelance consultants and specialists help you develop solutions that meet the expectations, requirements and challenges in the medtech and pharma markets.
Medicologic A/S
Arne Jacobsens Alle 15-17
DK-2300 København S
(+45) 48 24 51 13

Michael Funder
Owner / Director
(+45) 20 64 41 46

Lars Bo Andersen
CFO / Administration
(+45) 48 24 51 13