Get inspired at Medico Bazar 2015

Meet us at Medico Bazar Tuesday 10 March at DTU Medico Bazar 2015 will give you a glimpse of the newest developments within medtech. Medico Bazar 2015 is arranged by MedTech Innovation presenting more than 65 stands exhibiting research or...

We are strengthening our business

By the end of 2014, Medicologic has strengthened the organisation within QA/RA and Medical Device Development with a view to the company’s continued development and positive growth. Frank Petersen Came on board as senior professional consultant QA/RA on December...

Life Science konference 2014 med succes

Torsdag d. 6. november inviterede vi offentlige og private aktører til Life Science konference, hvor deltagerne fik nye perspektiver på udviklingen inden for Life Science og medicobranchen. Få et indtryk af dagen: [sd_video id=”rbMNuafJrRQ”...