
Your Medtech Partner

The expectations in the medical device market are high with increasing focus on patient safety and treatment methods.

Our team of dedicated freelance consultants and specialists help you develop solutions that meet the expectations, requirements and challenges in the medtech and pharma markets.

Medicologic was founded in 2009 by the present CEO Michael Funder.

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Contact Info Medicologic A/S Arne Jacobsens Alle 15-17 DK-2300 København S

Phone: (+45) 48 24 51 13 Email: mf@medicologic.com

CVR no.: 26686393

Bank information Danske Bank, Erhvervscenter Hillerød Reg. nr. 3543 Kontonr. 3543 58 6706

Swift-BIC: DABADKKK IBAN: DK44 3000 3543 5867 06

Ask Me

Michael Funder Managing DirectorB.Sc Engineering

Direct (+45) 20 64 41 46mf@medicologic.com